License Agreement
The provider of this service is in the business of improving performance, health and quality of life. The following terms applies to your use of the application:
1. Objective
Overskudd is the opposite of fatigue, encompassing energy and vitality. Overskudd is a prerequisite for performance and ability to enjoy life.
This service facilitates health, performance, and quality of life with data from sensors and individual education in using the analysis.
2. Confidentiality
Data – means all data from sensors in any form, all communication between yourself and your Overskudd trainer and other Overskudd staff engaged in helping you. This includes all excerpts, summaries, and illustrations of/from the above.
Such data is only available to you and Overskudd staff.
Such data cannot not be shared in any form, either in documents, publications, messages, social media without express written consent from Overskudd. This includes data in any form, such a screenshot, numbers, or other material available from Overskudd’s websites or applications. Sharing of data is also prohibited in closed forums.
The following Overskudd staff may have access to your data:
- Technical personnel may have access to the data to ensure that the delivery to you and other users works as desired.
- Support staff can access your data to help you solve a problem or get the most out of the solution.
- Your Overskudd trainer.
Staff members that may have access to data have signed confidentiality agreements.
In anonymous form, your data may be used to generate statistics about performance, health and quality of life. Such statistics may be used to facilitate improved performance, health, or quality of life of other users. It may also be used to inspire new users to use the software.
Data is managed according to guidelines from The Norwegian Data Protection Authority.
3. Use of software and services
a. Right to use. We grant you the right to access and use the software and services as further described in this agreement. We reserve all other rights.
b. Acceptable use. You may use the software and services only in accordance with this Agreement. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or work around technical limitations in the software. You may not disable, tamper with, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any billing mechanism that meters your use of the software and services. You may not rent, lease, lend, resell, transfer, or host the software, or any portion thereof, to or for third parties except as expressly permitted in the software and services Terms.
c. Responsibility for your accounts. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any non-public authentication credentials associated with your use of the software. You must promptly notify our customer support team about any possible misuse of your accounts or authentication credentials or any security incident related to the software.
4. Term
a. Agreement term and termination. This license agreement is valid as long as you have access to your data in this software. Users who are a) not paying for the use of this software, b) who are not participating in one of our research projects and c) who are not professional athletes are bound by this agreement in 24 months after access to their data in this software is terminated.
5. Limitation of liability
We provide no warranties, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. These disclaimers will apply except to the extent applicable law does not permit them.
You can read more about our handling of personal data in our
privacy policy.